It must be the changing weather (60 one day, a windchill of 10 and blizzard the next) in addition to the stress that led me to get a nice little case of bronchitis, which in combination with the fact that the Mac was in the 'shop' meant I had no computer or post last night. I guess I'll just say that things may be sporadic here for a little bit still.
Many of you are pet people and have lost a furry kid before, and you probably's tough. Fortunately, I've had lots of support from family,

especially Mom and of course Hubby. What has been strange is that close friends are kind of...cold, I guess, abrupt about the whole thing when it comes up, as it often does being just one month since losing our precious little furball. I presume that maybe these dear friends just don't know how to deal with the pain and grief I'm going through or it reminds them of similarly sad times in their lives, and while it can be a little hurtful to be shut down, I'm not going to press the issue or be mad, since God only knows what
they are dealing with. Fortunately, folks who are practically strangers have come through with lengthy letters and remarks of it all balances out.
urn arrived yesterday. We'd planned to bury him in the garden, planting beautiful blue flowers reminiscent of his eyes over him, but the weather has not cooperated. The urn is very elegant, though, and Hubby and I are quite sure Remington would wholly approve. We still miss him like crazy, though. We pick Remmy up Thursday. *sigh* If I don't post that'll know why.
So, that's why things have been odd 'round here lately. I really am trying to get back into the groove, though it's kind of peculiar; I'd finally,
finally gotten into a grove with work and business only to have it shattered with the loss of Remmy.
Anyhow, on a walk today I saw my first robin of the year. At last! Spring can't be far behind, particularly since this was one gigantic robin (so much so that I at first thought he was a raven). So why not feature robin treats? They seem to cheer everyone up, particularly during these ides of March.
How about this
charming silver robin ring? No matter what the calendar says, you'll have a cheery reminder of spring's feathered harbringer. It's an English robin, and with no offense meant to our American variety, I've always thought the Brit ones were delightfully pudgy and cute. (Today's robin was pudgy, too, but in a Goliath sort of way.) I just want to grab one and cuddle it.
The ring is handmade of sterling silver, and while this particular ring is a size 5-3/4 to 6, the artist can make one for you in any size. $65. Be sure to check out the
brass robin on a square sterling background ring, too.
Both rings are from
Shere Design, a shop of nearly ineffable delights and charms. You'll find many bird-related items here, from snowbirds to owls, all beautifully made with a taste of whimsy and sweetness. I think I'm in like!
Have a great night, everyone.
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