Well, unofficial robin week draws to a close 'round here, despite the four or five gigantic robins I saw today. How do they get so pudgy? They all come back looking like feathered Porky Pigs. Amazing!
Just a few little items today featuring those very welcome harbringers of balmier weather.
First we have this very lovely, very pretty robin stamp pendant in a sterling silver frame. It's set behind glass, so the beautiful artwork will be protected. It's on a bail, so all you need to do is slip it over the cord or chain of your choice (plenty of which are available on Etsy). From Kelli Belli Beads. The artist is donating 50% — half! — of her sales to Avon's Walk for the Cure fund from now to July 12th of this year to help her participate in the 39-mile walk this summer. Not only do you get a beautiful piece of jewelry, part of your money is going to a really good cause.

Now, I generally don't feature kid stuff or home stuff, but these two items were just so cute they couldn't be passed up. First is this Bobbin the Robin hair clip from mimisayshi. Just $5, this little hair clip features a darling, pudgy, handmade little robin. It's perfect for keeping your tyke's hair out of her face, or even your own! Hey, why not? It's a two-inch clip, so it may well work for grownups just fine.
Finally, a piece of artwork. It's a little crazy, but were you to see my Etsy favourites, most of them happen to be pieces of artwork. This is crazy because a) I'm a visual artist myself, hello, with tons of my own artwork and b) we've got exactly 0 (zero) pictures hanging on our walls despite having lived in the house for 6 months now. Pathetic. I'm the woman who

Anyhow, this piece, too, has been added to my favourites on Etsy. It's a very small piece of art, just 3.5 x 3.5, but very cheery and whimsical. A collage work, it's just $6 and from the creative mind of Sassy Bella Melange. She has many bird-related artworks (I LOVE birds, and were it not for lamentably poor mathematics skills, I'd be an avian vet) as well as other wonderful, lovely, and charming pieces.
So, that's robin week 2008, inspired by the bright-eyed birds flitting about our neighborhood and especially in our oak tree (already!). Have a wonderful weekend.
Labels: Fun Fridays, hair, necklace, pendant
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