The plethora of colours in the millefiori beads mean these earrings will coordinate nicely not just with orange or turquoise, but red, green, and white as well (I can't see these capping off a royal or cobalt blue top; so much for that). Really, these are just such fun to look at, it doesn't matter what they match - they're pretty irresistible, don't you think? Only $16 from Cat's shop, and if you like the turquoise discs featured at the bottom of the earrings, these are the last such beads in the Artsy stash and I recommend snapping them up right now. Cat Bishop's store is full of great jewelry, fabulous retro sculptures made of found objects, and now art prints of her robot sculptures/assemblages, and it's one of my favourite shops to look through. Enjoy!
Labels: earrings
Awww, thanks so much SweetJen, you are too kind.
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