We all know her. She can take a forlorn-looking skirt, a 70s tie with a frightening resemblance to elephant vomit, and a rather plain top and somehow show up at a party having transformed it most fabulous, amazing outfit you've ever seen, one that leaves every woman in the joint saying to themselves, "She is just so amazing. I wish I see the beauty in otherwise hideous clothes and do that." Sometimes its the jewelry she adds, or she adds lace to the top or a fun fringe to the hem of the skirt, but she never fails to take things most of us would see as inappropriate for the occasion and makes them amazingly apropos for it.
Now, if you ask me, this long vintage batik-print skirt is just one of those items, waiting for the right lady to come along and see the perfect piece for her New Year's outfit or the company Christmas party. It's got a free hip measurement and a 30" waist. The skirt itself is a deep blue, almost indigo cotton, and just $17.99 from Future Vintage.
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