Sometimes one wants accessories to have a little more warmth to them - in summer, maybe, or with a particularly brightly coloured dress or top. Natural items seem to ground cheery colours in a way that compliments instead of detracting from them.
This pretty necklace with matching earrings is from Spotted Octopus Studios (posessor of the cutest logo ever). It's the necklace that really caught my eye - a wooden ring with pale blue vintage flower beads suspended from an 18" sterling silver chain. The earrings, which also feature the pretty blue beads, are on sterling silver earwires. As you can see by looking at the pendant, the wood - the grain, the colour, the texture - really warms up the icyness of the blue beads and the silver - yet it works, it doesn't clash or look odd. In fact, it looks quite elegant and pretty!
Spotted Octopus Studios has a lot of beautiful items - earrings, necklaces, and pendants - and designer Kirsti definitely has her own style - very chic without being...well, snooty and unattainable about it. And like I said, she has that adorable, almost cuddly-looking octopus logo - what's not to love?
Happy shopping!
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