The accession of fall means plaid makes yet another resurgence into our fashion consciousness. Surely I'm not the only one know notices this! Plaid is a strange thing, though: some like very loud, almost clashing plaids, while others prefer to don a subtler ode to Scottish Highlanders (I tend to be in the latter camp myself). Something about plaid is so festive, and for many Americans especially, it reflects a sense of pride in one's forbears, who left the rugged land they'd conquered to tame yet another.
This vintage plaid skirt is a great (if not entirely traditional) example of a fun plaid that won't make other people's eyeballs bleed. While colourful and bright, it isn't overbearing or traffic-stopping. You can wear it with girly heels or your favourite pair of boots - both heeled and flat boots would look terrific with this $32 skirt. The pleats are classic, especially as we ease our way into the more formal styles of the cold-weather months, and let's face it: this is long enough that you can wear it all winter long without having to worry about ill-timed gusts of wind or just plain old freezing your tail off.
From Femmina Style, where they've just gotten a pretty nicely sized wave of new goodies (there are quite a few cute tops, too).
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